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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

Air Conditioning: How to Get Your Home Prepared For Warm Weather

Fresno, CA gets a lot of hot weather which means you need a good air conditioning system. But since your air conditioning system has likely seen little use during the winter, there are a few things that you can do to get your home ready for warm weather. At Purl’s Sheet Metal and & Conditioning, we provide comprehensive air conditioning services in Fresno, CA. We thought it would be helpful if we put together some of the best ways to get your home ready for warm weather.

Why Get Air Conditioning Maintenance in Fresno CA

During the winter your air conditioning system often sits unused for extended periods of time. If you were to just suddenly flip on your air conditioning switch it could cause you problems. There might be leaves, branches, rodents, rust or other things that have started to build up inside your system. Your AC system may have also sustained other damage during the winter. Having a professional Fresno air conditioning technician inspect your ac system before you turn it on is a great idea. They’ll be able to find any problems or issues and repair them. This can potentially reduce the need for costly air conditioning repairs in Fresno. It can also improve the efficiency of your air conditioning system as well.

Get Your Ducts Sealed

The ducts in your home are responsible for delivering the cool air from your AC system throughout your home. Over time, your ducts can start to wear out and crack. Whether it’s from old age or from insects or rodents, leaks in your ducts can waste a lot of energy. Getting your ducts sealed is a great way to make sure that the cool air you’re paying for gets to your home.

Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning for all your Fresno air conditioning needs. We can help you get your home ready for the warm weather so that your air conditioning system operates efficiently

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