Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Archive for the ‘Happy Holidays’ Category

Final Coats for Kids Count is in!

Thursday, December 5th, 2013

Our final tally is in and all the coats have been picked up and taken to the local Salvation Army office in Madera. We didn’t know how many coats to expect at first and we are truly amazed at the outpouring of support to keep our kids warm this winter. Just last Monday, our count came in at 479. With the end date in sight, we hoped we could break 500 coats…and we did! Our final count came in at 524 coats. We are overjoyed and so thankful to all involved in the donation efforts. The spirit of giving is upon us! Happy Holidays to all from Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning!


Dr. Steve Maraboli quote

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20th Annual Madera Light Parade

Monday, December 2nd, 2013

The 20th Annual Madera Light Parade is scheduled for Thursday Dec 5,2013.  The light parade is an annual tradition in Madera that kicks off the Holiday Season with a spectacular Christmas celebration of lights.  The event is hosted by the Madera Kiwanis Club and the Downtown Association.

The light parade began 20 years ago as a procession of tractors and farm equipment down Yosemite Avenue in Madera, Ca.  It was a great way to celebrate the end of the harvest and kick off the Holiday Season.  Today, the parade route continues down Yosemite Avenue and still includes tractors & harvesters as well as fire trucks, cars, semi trucks, flatbed trailers and just about anything else.  There is only one qualification to enter…each vehicle must have a minimum of 100 lighted Christmas lights.   Madera residents line the streets of Yosemite Avenue and cheer for their favorite entries.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning will be entering the parade again with their fleet of antique fire apparatus decorated and loaded with Purl’s Sheet Metal employees and families.   It is a great evening for us to bbq hot dogs, drink hot cocoa and sing some Christmas carols.   The Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning fleet includes, 1979 Crown Fire Coach Pumper, 1951 American LaFrance Pumper & 1948 American LaFrance Aerial Ladder Truck.

The parade begins at 6pm and also offers tickets to the wine stroll through downtown businesses with appetizers and wine tasting from more than 15 local Madera Wineries.  Contact the Madera Chamber of Commerce for tickets.

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Coats for Kids – Last Day November 30th!

Friday, November 29th, 2013

We have only 1 more day to accept donations for Coats for Kids 2013!

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning has been thrilled with the success of our partnered efforts this year. Just last week we had a total count of 229 coats. As of this Monday, our total count was up to 479 coats! That’s 250 more coats in 1 week! It has been truly amazing to witness the outpouring of community support from donations dropped off at the Purl’s Sheet Metal shop, St. Joaquim School, and Lincoln Elementary School. We are incredibly proud to be a part of this community effort.

If you have not yet donated, but still wish to contribute to this effort, please stop by our shop today or tomorrow:

232 South Schnoor Avenue, Madera, CA 93637

And again, THANK YOU to all who have helped contribute to this effort, whether by donating, helping count coats, load coats into trucks, bag coats, or simply spread the word – each form of contribution is what made this years Coats for Kids drive so successful. We couldn’t have done it without you!

Bagged Coats

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Thanksgiving, 2013: The Presidential Turkey Pardon

Monday, November 25th, 2013

Thanksgiving began in 1621, but didn’t become a national holiday until 1863, when Abraham Lincoln declared it in hopes of bringing a divided nation together. We have many Thanksgiving traditions in this country, from turkey at the meal to the annual Cowboys and Lions games on television. But one of the most beloved is the annual Presidential turkey pardon, in which the U.S. President “pardons” a turkey to life in a petting zoo rather than ending up as someone’s main course. As we celebrate this Thanksgiving, we thought you’d like to know a little more about the history of this fascinating tradition.

Farmers have sent turkeys to the White House as far back as the 1800s, hoping to have the honor of providing the President’s annual meal. There have been scattered stories of individual turkeys being “pardoned” throughout that time, including one in which President Lincoln’s son Tad successfully convinced the president to spare a bird intended for the family’s Christmas dinner.

Starting in 1947, the National Turkey Federation became the official supplier of the President’s Thanksgiving birds. The White House arranged for an annual photo op that year with the President receiving the turkey in the Rose Garden. Sadly, there was no pardon as yet; those birds all ended up on the Presidential table.

The push for an official pardon picked up steam in 1963, when President Kennedy ask that the bird be spared just a few days before his assassination. President Nixon opted to send each of the birds he received to a nearby petting zoo after the photo op, though there was no formal pardon attached.

But it wasn’t until 1989 that the pardon became official. On November 14 of that year, President George H. W. Bush made the announcement, and sent the bird to a Virginia game preserve to live the rest of its life out in cranberry-and-stuffing-free bliss. Since then, every President has held an annual pardoning ceremony, with the lucky turkey spared the axe and sent off to live in peace. Since 2005, the pardoned birds have gone to Disneyland in Anaheim, California where they have lived as part of a petting zoo exhibit in Frontierland.

No matter what traditions you enjoy this holiday, or who you enjoy them with, all of us here wish you a peaceful and happy Thanksgiving weekend.

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Exciting Update for Coats for Kids!

Friday, November 22nd, 2013

We would like to thank the volunteers from St. Joachim School who helped us count our coats as well as all the generous donors thus far. We are up to 229 coats! That’s 172 coat donations since last Thursday! Can you tell we are excited?

It is truly humbling to be a part of such a gracious community. Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning is honored to be able to participate and serve in our community. Let’s keep it up!

Coats for Kids runs through November 30th, so the time is now to bring those coats in to our shop:

232 South Schnoor Avenue, Madera, CA 93637

Thank you again to all the donors!


Kids from St. Joachim School helping us count coats!

Kids from St. Joachim School helping us count coats!

Sheryl Berry sorting 63 coats from Lincoln Elementary School

Sheryl Berry sorting 63 coats from Lincoln Elementary School

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We Wish You a Happy Labor Day

Monday, September 2nd, 2013

On every project that we complete, we ensure that our customers are satisfied. We take pride in the work that we do every day, and this level of diligence and attention to detail has allowed us to grow over the years. On the first Monday of every September, our country celebrates Labor Day as a way of recognizing the hard work that has made this country great. Because making your home more comfortable and convenient is our business, we want you to have an enjoyable and pleasant Labor Day.

Labor Day is a time of good BBQ, the start of the professional and college football seasons, entertainment with family and friends, and, most importantly, taking a day off from work. Labor Day emerges as a federal holiday in the wake of the Pullman Strike of 1894. It was designated as such by President Grover Cleveland and Congress as a way to reconcile the damage done by the faceoff between the Federal government and the Pullman Palace Car Company workers and other railroad workers. But over a decade before it became official, Labor Day began as a workers’ picnic and demonstration suggested by either Peter J. McGuire of the American Federation of Labor, or Matthew Maguire of the Central Labor Union of New York.

From our family to yours, we wish you all the best on this Labor Day.

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Happy 4th of July!

Tuesday, July 2nd, 2013

There are few things more “American” than baseball, apple pie and Independence Day. On this day over 200 years ago the second Continental Congress voted to approve the Declaration of Independence. The document, which was primarily authored by Thomas Jefferson, was a written explanation of why America wanted to be free from Great Britain. This bold move by the American colonies would start the Revolutionary War where many brave women and men would give their lives for the freedom that we now hold dear.

Over the years, our celebration of Independence Day has remained largely unchanged. John Adams, the 2nd president of the United States, said this about celebrating Independence Day: “It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.” We all remember going to family barbecues, watching fireworks, attending parades, picnics and fairs, building bonfires, and playing baseball.

However you celebrate this 4th of July, make sure that you take a moment to remember why we’re celebrating.

As a reminder, Purl’s Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning will be available for emergency service on the holiday. Please don’t hesitate to call if you are in need!

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Camp Fire Heart of CA Will be Having a Fireworks Booth

Monday, July 1st, 2013

FireworksEvery year during the summer time, one of the most important holidays of the year emerges, the 4th of July. That means baseball games, hot dogs, barbecues, family and friends, and of course fireworks.

This year, Camp Fire Heart of CA will be having a Fireworks Booth, located in the 47th Place Shopping Center, in the Southeast corner of Howard Road and Schnoor Avenue. All of the proceeds with benefit Camp Fire Heart of CA. Fireworks are available now through the 4th.

Camp Fire Heart of CA is a non-profit youth organization dedicated to providing a strong foundation for kids in the Madera and Central California areas. Camp Fire has been a constant and well-loved tradition in Madera for more than 95 Years.

Camp Fire will also be collecting worn US Flags so feel free to bring worn, torn, and faded flags to the Booth. The flags will be retired in a proper and respectful service.

The Fresno and Madera area HVAC technicians at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning wish you and your family a fun and festive 4th of July.

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