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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

Freezing Weather Ahead: Is Your HVAC System Maintained and Ready?

The cold winter weather has arrived. But we can anticipate much colder in the first months of the New Year. When the outdoor temperatures drop below freezing, you’re HVAC system will undergo an immense amount of stress to provide your family with the warmth it absolutely requires. This leads to the Big Winter Heating Question: Is your HVAC system ready for freezing weather?

We’ll take a closer look by asking a few questions.

First, has the system been professionally maintained?

The heating system you rely on for winter warmth must have an annual inspection and tune-up from a trained and licensed HVAC technician. This regular maintenance handles a number of vital jobs and helps to ensure the best possible energy efficiency. Most important however, is that it detects potential problem areas so they can be fixed in time. This gives the heating system the best chance to make it through winter without repair needs or a full break down.

Maintenance is best done in fall, but there’s still time before the harsh cold arrives for you to schedule it. Sign up for our Ultimate Service Agreement today and we’ll take care of the tune-up and inspection.

Has the heater shown any warning signs since it’s been running?

Since you’ve already had the heating system warming your home for a few weeks, there’s been time to notice if anything is… odd… about the way it runs. Strange noises, cold spots around the house, short-cycling, low airflow from the vents, acrid smells, and energy bills that seem abnormally high: these are all indications that calling a repair technician is a smart idea. Catching troubles when they’re small helps prevent major break downs.

How old is the heating system?

There will come a time when maintenance and repairs aren’t enough. An aging system may need a replacement. If that’s the case with your heating system, then it’s best to get the job done on your own time rather than when the system has its final breakdown on freezing day. Most heaters have from 10 to 20 years life expectancy, depending on the type. Check on the manufacturer’s estimated lifespan for yours, and if you need help making the final decision about replacement, get in touch with our heating professionals.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning serves Kerman, CA and throughout the Central Valley since 1952. Quality Is the Cornerstone of Our Success!

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