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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

How to Get the Most from Your HVAC System This Coming Winter

Fall is the time of year to start preparing your home for the cold weather that will soon arrive. You can’t simply trust that your heater and its ventilation system will do the job they are supposed to without some assistance, both from you and from professionals. Below are a few steps you can take to see that your HVAC system will perform at top level during the coming winter season:

  • Change the heater’s air filter regularly – And by regularly, we mean every month that the heater runs on a routine basis. Air filters are an important component of furnaces. They protect the interior of the furnace from suffering damage due to debris that enters through the return air vents. If the filter is allowed to develop clogs, it will reduce the efficiency of the system. Change the filter (or clean it if the furnace uses a permanent one) monthly so clogging won’t build up.
  • Check that registers are fitted properly – The registers are the covers over the room vents, and if they are not properly fit to the wall, they can result in poor air flow into the rooms and cold spots. (You should also check that no vents have been accidentally covered over by moved furniture or rugs.)
  • Update the thermostat – If you still have an old thermostat that’s either a manual or no-frills digital model, arrange to update to a newer unit. More accurate thermostats are a key part of getting the finest performance from an HVAC system.
  • Schedule heating maintenance – This is the most important step to see that your HVAC system works its best during the winter. Professionals will find any places where the system may need adjustments or repairs, such as sealing for leaking air ducts.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning has served Fresno and Madera, CA with quality heating since 1952. Call us today to arrange for heating maintenance, thermostat upgrades, and duct sealing.

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