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Never Leave Air Conditioning Repairs Alone When Fall Starts

air-conditioner-unit-being-repairedSeptember is often one of the hottest months of the year in the Central Valley. We won’t expect relief to arrive until October, when fall has officially started and has had some time to settle in and begin cooling us down.

However, even with the scorching heat around this time of year, people can grow complacent about dealing with their air conditioning systems—particularly if the ACs start to show signs they have something wrong with them. People are already thinking ahead to fall weather, making it too easy to shrug off air conditioning problems as something they can “get to later,” such as during the next spring.

Please don’t let this attitude lead you to leave your AC in questionable condition as the summer ends! For the short-term and long-term good of your residential cooling system, schedule any service for your air conditioning in Fresno, CA as soon as you can. Don’t leave your AC hanging at the end of the season.

Why Prompt AC Repair Is Important—No Matter the Time of Year

There’s a reason we stress moving promptly to call for air conditioning repairs whenever there are signs of a malfunction, and they apply to all parts of the year.

First, an air conditioner running with some sort of fault will almost certainly cost more to run than it should. A motor straining because it has lost lubrication, a condenser coil that can’t effectively release heat outdoors, or capacitors making it harder for the compressor to start … all of these will cause the AC to lose energy efficiency. You don’t want to see your last month of cooling bills climb steeply because you haven’t had the system repaired in time.

Second, the additional level of stress placed on an air conditioning system due to these malfunctions will end up shortening equipment life. If an air conditioner runs and runs with additional mechanical strain, it will probably need to be replaced earlier than it should be—which is a significant monetary investment.

Third, you put the AC at a high risk of a complete breakdown if you let it go without any repairs it needs. Even a small repair issue will worsen and spread, leading to placing the entire cooling system in jeopardy. Take refrigerant leaks, for example. A small leak will eventually lead to catastrophic damage to the compressor. You don’t want to spend the last big heat wave of the year trapped in a hot house waiting for repair technicians to arrive because you ignored early signs of AC trouble.

Finally, the sooner a repair for an air conditioning system is completed, the less it will cost. We already mentioned how malfunctions tend to spread and lead to additional problems (a failing capacitor puts stress on the motor, which can lead to compressor trouble, for example). If you delay with repairs, you’re likely looking at a higher cost for the repairs you eventually do have done.

Our technicians are here 7 days a week when you need repair work. Never hesitate to call so you can schedule prompt fixes for your air conditioning system.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning: Quality Is the Cornerstone of Our Success Since 1952.

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