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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

Ways We Can Help with Spring Allergy Season

Spring marks the beginning of warmer weather and the climb toward the heat of the summer. Making sure that you have the best working air conditioning system is an important part of spring preparations. However, it’s not the only step you may need to take to ensure excellent comfort in your house. Spring is allergy season, and if people live in your home who have even mild allergies and asthma, this can become an unpleasant time of the year for them.

The pollen count in the air starts to rise during periods when the temperature remains at 60°F or warmer for 3 to 4 days—usually in April. Although there isn’t much you can do about this level of allergens when you’re outside (aside from taking medication), you can lower the allergens in your home thanks to a number of indoor air quality services we offer:

Air filters and air purifiers

Many air filters have MERV ratings high enough to trap the majority of allergens moving through a home. However, you must be cautious about high MERV ratings, since often only an industrial strength blower fan will be able to properly circulate air through one of these filters. Let our indoor air quality professionals find the ideal filter for your needs.  We can match the proper filter with an air purifier that will help eliminate the smaller particles in the air.

Air duct cleaning

Your ducts might already have a thick layer dust. Each time you turn on the AC, the blower can send out a high concentration of these particles from the duct work into your household air.  Eliminating these sources of pollutants from your home with professional duct cleaning is a good idea for “spring cleaning.”

UV germicidal lights

Among the most harmful of spring allergens are mold spores and bacteria, which can often develop in the evaporator coils of an AC System. To help eliminate this problem, the best method is professional installation of UV germicidal lights in the HVAC system. These lights destroy mold and microorganisms without using chemicals.

Call our team today to learn more about how we can help you handle allergy season in your house.

Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning serves Madera, CA and the rest of the Central Valley. We’re offering Carrier Cool Cash Rebates until May 31, 2016: up to $1,650 in instant rebates available on qualifying systems.

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