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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

3 Improvements Offered by a New Air Conditioner

No one likes to think of their air conditioners as needing replacement. They’re an expensive item, after all, and ideally your existing air conditioner will last you for many years. Sooner or later, however, every appliance needs to be replaced, and if your existing air conditioner is more than ten years old, you should consider upgrading it with a newer model. Here in Fresno, air conditioning installation is a fairly routine operation for most qualified services, and a trained technician can go over all your options with you before performing the installation. Here are 3 improvements offered by a new air conditioner that you should seriously consider.

  • Improved efficiency. Air conditioning efficiency is measured by a SEER rating, which stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. The higher the rating, the more efficient the system. Because your new air conditioner is likely more recent, it takes advantage of new technology and has no wear and tear on it. That means it will be more efficient than your old system, and cost you much less in monthly bills to boot.
  • Fewer repairs. New systems usually feature a warranty, which means that you’re covered in the event something goes wrong. That can be a considerable relief when your older system has suffered from significant breakdowns and other problems.
  • Zone controls. A zone control system can be installed as part of the new system. It connects a series of valves and switches in the duct system, allowing you to control the individual temperature in each room. You can even shut off the air conditioning in parts of the house you aren’t using, helping you to save more on monthly bills than ever before.

The experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning can talk about the improvements offered by a new air conditioner, as well as inspecting your house for a proper sized unit and discussing your other options with you.

Here in Fresno, air conditioning installation services don’t come any more reliable. We’re ready to serve you, so give us a call today. You’ll be glad you did!

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