Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

When to Consider Your Replacing Your Air Conditioning System

Wednesday, September 11th, 2013

Have you ever thought about how much effort it takes your AC to cool your home during the summer? If you’re like most homeowners, then you probably run your air conditioner almost constantly. All that use can really take a toll on your equipment and cause the need for repair. However, you may eventually need to start thinking about replacing your air conditioning system and knowing when that time has come can be difficult. That’s why we’ve put together a quick list of some of the things that you should look for that could indicate that you need replacement for your air conditioning in Fresno.

Give us a call here at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning and one of our friendly experts can help you with any Fresno air conditioning services that you need.

Tips for Replacing Your Air Conditioning in Fresno

Take a look below at some of the things to think about when replacing your air conditioning in Fresno.

  • Age of the system – Oftentimes, age is a good indicator for when you should replace your air conditioning system. One of the reasons is that as your AC ages it will likely develop the need for more repairs. Additionally, there are tremendous efficiency gains to be had from replacing your air conditioner. Many technological advancements allow new AC units to achieve very high levels of efficiency.
  • Frequent repairs – Usually, air conditioning systems should operate with very few repairs required. If your AC needs to be fixed often then you could potentially avoid those problems by replacing it. If your air conditioning system is old and it needs to be repaired often then there is even more incentive to replace as opposed to continuing to pay for repairs.
  • Inefficiency – If your air conditioning system start to operate less efficiently it could make sense to replace it. If your home is uncomfortable because you don’t want to run your air conditioner because it is so inefficient it might be a good idea to think about replacing it.

Call us here at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning if you have any questions about your AC or if you suspect that you’re ready to replace your air conditioning in Fresno.

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How Dirt and Dust Cause The Need For Air Conditioning Repair Service

Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

Are you suffering from inadequate cooling or stuffy air in your home? When was the last time you had your AC cleaned? Dirt and dust are the major causes of many air conditioning problems that can develop within your HVAC system, no matter what type it is. Professional installation should be followed up with routine maintenance if you want to make sure you get the most out of your AC for the years to come, but occasionally, such wear and tear takes a toll and repair needs become necessary. Make sure you hire a reputable Fresno air conditioning repair technician to take care of your repair needs. Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today.

Here are some common problems caused by dirt and dust:

  • Dirty condenser coils. For most types of air conditioning systems, your condenser coils are located outdoors where the compressor resides. Because of their location, they are subject to all kinds of debris and when the coils become dirty, they can no longer effectively dissipate thermal energy into the outdoor air. Because they play such an essential role in keeping your home cool, your coils must be kept clean at all times.
  • Frozen evaporator coils. The same goes for your evaporator coils. These indoor coils are also subject to dirt and dust accumulating on their surface. But the primary cause of frozen coils is also caused by debris accumulation. Your air filter is designed to protect the components of your AC, but when it becomes excessive dirty or clogged with debris itself, it can trap cold air inside the air handler, which can lead to frozen coils. By keeping your air filter clean at all times (check it at least once a month) during the cooling season.

Like any other mechanical system, your AC will simply not work well when it is subject to dust, dirt, and other debris. Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today for air conditioning repair service in Fresno, CA. We can handle any job, large or small.

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Air Conditioning FAQ: Typical AC Repairs

Wednesday, June 26th, 2013

Is your AC making a strange noise? Does it only turn on intermittently? During the summer in Madera, CA, you need to make sure that your air conditioning system is in top shape, so that you achieve uninhibited comfort on a daily basis. Unfortunately, this is the season that can present challenges to air conditioners everywhere. With high temperatures and long days, there may come a time when you need air conditioning repair service. Even with professional installation and routine maintenance, your AC is still subject to general wear and tear over the years, and some repairs are inevitable. Call the Madera, CA air conditioning specialists at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today for repair services throughout the area.

Let’s take a look at some typical AC repairs that you may come across this cooling season.

  • AC won’t turn on. Make sure you do things before you call for professional repair. Double-check your thermostat to make certain that it’s calling for cool air and that the fan is on. Also, check your circuit breaker panel to see if it has a tripped. If neither of those works, then you may need professional assistance. You could have a bad capacitor, the device that helps the compressor start up.
  • Frozen evaporator coil. The indoor evaporator coil circulates cool, liquid refrigerant, whose interaction with the warm indoor air changes the refrigerant into a gas (hence the name). But there are various imbalances and issues within the cooling cycle that can cause the evaporator coil to freeze up. It could be low refrigerant or a clogged air filter that is trapping cold air in the air handler. Not only will your coils need to be defrosted, but also the root of the problem needs to be fixed.
  • Inadequate cooling. This is probably the most common indication that something may be wrong with your AC. When your cooling system is no longer cutting the heat and humidity, then you need professional diagnosis to figure out the root of the problem. It could be an airflow issue, or it could be related to low levels of refrigerant circulating through the coils.

Call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today for comprehensive air conditioning repair services in Madera, CA.

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How Dirt, Dust, and Debris Can Impact Your Air Conditioner

Wednesday, June 19th, 2013

When the heat of summer is upon us, the last thing that you want to deal with is a broken down air conditioning system. Unfortunately, many homeowners do not realize that there are a number of issues that can develop with their air conditioning system that can really take a toll as the summer progresses. One such problem is the buildup of dirt, dust and debris on various components of your air conditioning system. We all like to maintain high indoor air quality in our homes to keep comfortable, but airborne pollutants can actually hinder the operation of your AC as well. Here are a few examples of this from the Fresno air conditioning repair technicians at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning.

One major way that dirt, dust and other debris in the air in your home can impact the performance of your air conditioner is by clogging up the air filter in your AC system. While it is true that the whole purpose of this air filter is to trap such pollutants, many homeowners are mistaken as to why it does so. The purpose of this air filter is not to improve indoor air quality, but rather to protect the condition of your AC. It prevents dirt and debris from accumulating on the interior components of its system to keep it operating properly.

If, though, you do not change your air filter regularly, particulants may bypass the filter, free to build up within your system. The added airflow resistance a clogged filter creates can also decrease the efficiency of your system, as it works harder to force air through. This increased strain can damage your system.

When dirt, dust and other debris builds up on vital components, such as your evaporator coils, your air conditioner will not be able to cool your home efficiently or effectively. Your condenser coils can ice up, which will prevent them from functioning properly. Do not let dirt on your coils hinder the performance of your air conditioning system.

For more information about the impact of dirt and other pollutants on your air conditioning system, contact Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today. We have the tips you need to cool your home effectively and reliably. Let our Fresno air conditioning repair pros help you keep your cool this summer.

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The Relation between Air Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality

Tuesday, June 18th, 2013

The air conditioning system in your home moves a ton of air during its operation. It is responsible for pushing huge volumes of air through your ductwork and into your home. Because of that, it has a huge impact on the quality of the air that it is moving. The Fresno air conditioning professionals at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning have years of experience working with all different kinds of AC systems and air quality products. We wanted to share a little bit about how your AC can impact your home’s air quality.

Air Conditioning and Indoor Air Quality

Your air conditioning system is a huge component of your home. But it can do more than just cool the air in your home—it can also be used as a powerful indoor air quality control system. If you need any type of air conditioning services in Fresno, CA, just call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. Check out a few of the ways that you can use your air conditioning system to clean your air.

  • Humidity control – Your air conditioning system naturally provides dehumidification. As the warm air form your home passes over the cooling coils, the moisture gets deposited on them in the form of condensation. Running your air conditioning system is a great way to not only cool your home but also keep humidity under control. The Fresno air conditioning professionals at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning can repair any issue that you might be having with your AC system.
  • Air filters – Many different brands of air filtering products can be installed in the air handler or ductwork of your AC system. These filters remove a large range of contaminants like dust, dirt, pet dander, pollen and many other pollutants. By running your air conditioning system you actually can get cleaner air.
  • Germicidal lights – UV germicidal lights are another great way that you can clean your air just by turning on your AC. UV germicidal lights are also installed in your air handler or ductwork. They destroy organic contaminants like viruses, mold spores and bacteria as they pass through the ducts and the UV light.

If you’re interested in air conditioning installation, repair or maintenance in Fresno, CA, call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. We can also talk with you about improving the quality of air in your home with air filter, duct cleaning, UV germicidal lights and more.

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What You Need to Know About Your Air Conditioning Installation

Wednesday, June 5th, 2013

When it comes time to have a new air conditioning system installed there are a few considerations that you need to make. The Fresno air conditioning installation professionals at Purl’s Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning have years of experience installing all different makes and models of AC units and we can help you pick out a new system that matches your home’s needs and your budget. We wanted to help our customers with their new AC system by putting together a few of the things that they should consider before getting an air conditioning installation.

Fresno Air Conditioning Installation

Whether you’re having a new air conditioning system installed in a new home or if it has come time to replace your current system, getting professional installation for your new AC unit is normally recommended. One of the most common causes of air conditioning problems is poor installation. There are a number of things that can go wrong with your new air conditioning system if you don’t get professional air conditioning installation in Fresno. These are a few of the things that you may want to think about before you decide which system to get for your home.

  • SEER rating – The SEER (seasonal energy efficiency ratio) describes how much cooling a unit produces and how much energy they use to do that. The higher the SEER the more efficient the system is. Typically, a SEER rating of 14 is required to receive Energy Star certification.
  • Cooling capacity – You want to make sure that your new air conditioning system is capable of providing enough cooling for your home. But you also don’t want to get one that is too large. Finding the right-sized system is one of the most important steps in the process and one that a professional contractor will help you with.
  • Type of system – When it comes to air conditioning systems, there are a variety of systems to choose from. Of course there is the standard central air conditioning system. But there are a couple other types that you may want to consider.
    • Heat pumps – If you’re interested in a high-efficient and convenient system that provides both heating and cooling then a heat pumps is a great option. These types of systems are very durable and offer consistent heating and cooling.
    • Ductless mini split systems – Ductless mini split air conditioning and heating systems are another high-efficiency type system. They allow homeowners to avoid the energy loss that is generally associated with ducts. They also provide zone control so that homeowners can control the temperature in different sections of their homes independently of each other.

No matter what kind of system you want, the Fresno air conditioning installation experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning can get the job done fast and with good quality.

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Air Conditioning Repair: The Hazards of Dirt and Dust

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

With a high-quality air conditioner, teamed with a professional installation and routine maintenance, you can get a great performance from your home cooling system. Of course, there is no way to keep your air conditioning system completely problem free forever. Eventually you are going to have to schedule service with a professional Fresno air conditioning repair technician. When you do, call the pros at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. Our team has the skill and training necessary to ensure that you are able to operate your air conditioning system with the consistency and quality that you deserve. Here is some information to consider about how even dirt and dust can impact the performance of your air conditioning system.

All homes have some amount of dirt, dust and other airborne pollutants within. If you live near a major roadway or construction sites you may have a higher concentration of such substances in your home. While dirt and dust may see like a minor annoyance of everyday life, it is actually possible for these pollutants to seriously damage your air conditioning system. That is why it is so important that you change the air filter in your air conditioning regularly.

Most homeowners do not realize that the air filter installed in their air conditioning system is not really intended to improve indoor air quality. Rather, it is there to protect your air conditioning equipment itself. If dirt and dust are allowed to build up within your air conditioner, it can have a detrimental effect on the performance of the system. If, for instance, dirt is allowed to build up on the coils of your air conditioning system, it can cause them to freeze over. Your comfort will suffer, as will the condition of your air conditioner.

If your air filter is too dirty, it can also make it difficult for your air conditioner to force air throughout the system. This increased airflow resistance can put extra strain on your AC, forcing it to work harder than it should have to in order to cool your home. This will cause it to work less efficiently, and eventually your AC may be damaged by the wear and tear caused by the extra work.

To learn more about the effects of dirt and dust on your air conditioning system, contact Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today. We have the answers to all your questions. When it comes to your Fresno air conditioning repair needs, you can always count on Purl’s.

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Air Conditioning FAQ: What is a Zone Control System?

Monday, May 6th, 2013

Living in Fresno, CA is a great experience, but it can make keeping cool during the hottest time of the year quite a challenge. Keeping your home cool and comfortable in the most efficient manner possible can be even more difficult. If you are unsatisfied with the performance or efficiency of your air conditioning system, there are a few different upgrades to consider that can help you use it more effectively and affordably. One of the most enticing is a zone control system installation. To schedule any Fresno CA Air Conditioning services, contact the AC professionals at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning.

A zone control system utilizes dampers in your ductwork system to help you direct the flow and use of cooled air in your home with greater control. By using a control panel, you can decide which areas of your home to cool independently of others. In taking this added control over your air conditioning system and energy usage, you can enjoy increased comfort in your home while potentially lowering cooling costs.

At some point you have probably gone into an unoccupied room and noticed that it was just as cool as the rooms in which people were gathered. This is not an efficient use of the energy that your air conditioning system consumes. With a zone control system, there is no longer any need to cool unoccupied bedrooms just to keep the kids cool and comfortable in the living room. Simply cool the living room independently, and shortly before bed you can gradually bring down the temperatures in the bedrooms. This can help to save you money without sacrificing any comfort.

In fact, a zone control system can make your home a more comfortable place to live. Different people prefer different temperatures. When you can cool rooms independently of one another, you can keep everyone comfortable and happy. This will also help eliminate any arguments around the thermostat.

Contact Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today to learn more about how a zone control system installation works. Our Fresno, CA air conditioning professionals are happy to answer any questions that you may have. Call now to schedule service.

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Air Conditioning FAQ: What Does The “Whole-Home” Approach To Home Efficiency Involve?

Monday, April 15th, 2013

Ensuring that your home is cultivating the most efficient approach to its energy usage is a great way to reduce your utility bills and to reduce your environmental impact. There are steps you can take that do not involve massive renovations to your existing home. As we approach the summer and the peak usage times of our cooling systems, it’s important to take stock of the ways we can improve our current air conditioners. For more information about energy efficiency and your air conditioner, call the Fresno CA air conditioning experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today!

  • Air conditioning replacement. Whatever type of AC you currently have, if it is over 10 years old or requires frequent repairs, it may be a good time to consider replacing it with a high-energy efficiency model. Professional air conditioning installation can allow you to improve the way your home uses energy on a daily basis. Today’s air conditioners and heat pumps have SEER ratings (Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio) over 20, which makes them substantially more efficient than models produced just a decade ago. Ductless mini split air conditioning systems can offer SEER ratings of up to 26. While there are other factors involved in the whole-home approach, such upgrades can provide significant energy savings.
  • Duct cleaning and sealing. If you have a forced air distribution system, then you rely on ductwork to deliver cool air throughout your home. Unfortunately, over time your ducts can accumulate debris and develop cracks and loose connections. Professional duct cleaning and duct sealing are excellent ways to improve your whole-home energy efficiency, by eliminating costly leaks and obstructions.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. The EPA estimates that a programmable thermostat may save you up to $180 every year on your energy bill. If you have a conventional model, then consider upgrading it, so that you can customize your indoor climate, as well save energy when your home is unoccupied.

For more information about our whole-home approach to your energy efficiency, whether you’re interested in a new air conditioning system, ductwork improvements, or need a complete residential HVAC solution. For more information about your Fresno, CA air conditioning, contact Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today!

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Air Conditioning Repair Tip: Common AC Repairs

Monday, April 8th, 2013

Whether you have a central split, heat pump, or ductless mini split air conditioning system, it will need professional repair at some point in its life. Even if you received excellent installation and routine maintenance, repairs are inevitable. There are a lot of factors to consider when evaluating an air conditioner for repair, not the least of which is separating the problem from the root cause of the problem. You need to make sure that all AC repairs are handled by qualified Fresno air conditioning professionals in order to make sure that your air conditioner continues to run effectively and efficiently. For Fresno, CA air conditioning repair, call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today!

Let’s take a look at a few common AC repairs:

  • AC short cycling. If your AC turns on and off frequently, that’s known as “short-cycling”. It can occur for several different reasons, one of which is that your air conditioner is too large for your living space. When the size of the AC overpowers the size of the living space, it tends to turn on and off again. It may also become excessively or unevenly cold in your home. Another cause of short-cycling is due to an electrical problem with the blower motor that sends cool air out of the air handler.
  • Refrigerant leak. Your system requires an appropriate amount of refrigerant at all times. If a section of the refrigerant line or one of the coils has become damaged, refrigerant may begin to leak. This disrupts the entire refrigerant cycle, which depends upon pressurized movement between the coils, the expansion valve, and the compressor. It can lead to inadequate cooling.
  • Thermostat fault. You thermostat is the user interface of your cooling system. It’s responsible for communicating the setpoint (your desired temperature) to your air handler and sensing the temperature inside the home. Much depends upon the effective operation of the thermostat, so if it becomes damaged, or isn’t calibrated properly, it can cause your AC to short-cycle, to fail to operate, and inadequately cooling.

For more information about what you should look out for this spring as you prepare your AC for the summer, make sure you contact the Fresno, CA air conditioning repair experts at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning today!

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