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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

When Is the Best Time for New Furnace Installation?

No matter how well you take care of your furnace, you will eventually have to replace it with a new one. Parts break down, wear out, and even go out of production. Eventually, the cost of repairing all of your furnace’s problems will outweigh that of a new furnace installation. The sooner you recognize that your furnace has reached the end of its service life, the more money you can save by replacing it. If you have any questions regarding whether you should repair or replace your furnace, call the skilled technicians at Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning.

Let’s take a look at some of the indicators that you should have a new furnace installed.

Increase in Repairs

Every system will occasionally run into problems that require professional repair. As a system ages, however, the frequency and cost of those repairs will increase. As wear and tear accumulates on the furnace, the individual parts of the system will begin to fail. Since each part wears out at a slightly different rate, this will eventually result in multiple parts failing in rapid succession.

Decrease in Efficiency

Not all drops in heating efficiency are a sign that a furnace needs replacement. There are several different issues that could contribute to a loss of heating ability. However, a furnace that seems to be permanently handicapped, even after multiple repairs, is a sign that you should replace the furnace with a new one.


An older furnace doesn’t necessarily need replacement, but you need to take age into consideration when other symptoms, like those above, start to appear. If your furnace is older than its manufacturer’s estimate lifespan and experienced other performance issues, it’s a good idea to look into replacing it. If you have an older furnace and that is still performing fine, make sure you continue with regular professional maintenance and consult with your technician about when a replacement is cost-effective.

If you think you need a new furnace installation in the Madera area, call Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning to schedule an appointment.

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