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Purl's Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning Blog

Dirty Air Conditioning Coils—And Why You Need Professionals to Fix Them

The warm weather is here… and it’s only going to get hotter during the next few months. To make sure that the AC that keeps your household cool through the spring and summer continues to do its job, it’s important that you watch for any signs that it is malfunctioning or starting to lose energy efficiency. (If you haven’t scheduled the air conditioner’s regular maintenance inspection and tune-up yet, now is a great time to have this done.)

Dirt on the Condenser and Evaporator Coils

This is one of the more common troubles that an air conditioner may encounter over the season. Dirt, dust, and grime can accumulate along either the condenser coil (the coil in the outside unit that releases heat) or the evaporator coil (the indoor coil that absorbs heat to cool down the house). Since any layer of grime, no matter what it is, serves as an insulator, it will interfere with the function of the coil. The outdoor coil won’t be able to release heat through condensation, and the refrigerant inside it won’t cool down sufficiently when it travels to the indoor unit. A dirty indoor coil won’t be able to draw enough heat from the air, which will not only prevent it from effectively cooling the house but can also cause the coil to freeze over because the refrigerant inside it is too cold.

You don’t want either of these situations to occur, since it will mean both a drop in your indoor comfort and a spike in utility bills as the AC struggles to do its job. However, you can’t simply take a rag and some cleaning liquid in a spray bottle to get rid of the dust and dirt on the coils. You must call AC repair professionals to handle the cleaning work. HVAC technicians use special tools, such as chemical foam, to carefully and thoroughly clean the coils, and sometimes they must take apart sections of the cabinet to reach the coils. Amateur attempts at this work can result in an ineffective job at best—and damage to the coil at worst!

When you’re looking for quality air conditioning service in Fresno, CA—whether a repair, a full replacement, or regular maintenance—call on Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning!

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