We will miss this great man!
It is with very heavy heart that say goodbye to Michael Purl. Michael was a very respected business man in the San Joaquin Valley and he was known as a man of great integrity. He was a true leader in every sense of the word, and his leadership, friendship and guidance affected us all.
He was proud of the employee’s at Purl’s Sheet Metal and saw the importance in continuous training to adhere to “better than industry standards”. Many of the employee’s on our team have been with Purl’s Sheet Metal over 10 or 20 years. He felt he was very fortunate to have been surrounded by great people over the years. He expressed that this has been a key factor in the growth of Purl’s Sheet Metal & Air Conditioning. He had an amazing ability to choose the right people for the right job.
He always said “Madera has been good to Purl’s Sheet Metal.” That is absolutely true. Michael and Mickie Purl also showed us the importance of supporting our community and giving back. We learned why it is important to invest time in youth programs. The Purl’s were deeply rooted and involved in countless organizations.
He was very proud of the solid relationship he built with Carrier and very honored to provide Carrier equipment to our customers. In 2010 Michael received a very high honor and was inducted into the Carrier Dealer Hall of Fame. The coveted lifetime achievement award is given each year to only a select few. This was a very special honor and he was humbled by the award.
Michael also shared his love of antique fire engines with us. We have some of the greatest memories decorating and riding on the fire engines in the Madera Light Parade. Even a memory or two of a break down and quick repair to make it back to the shop! This event brought us together each year for some extra holiday cheer!
He led by example. He taught us that the little things can matter. He showed us how to stand back and see the whole picture. He taught us how to respect the American Flag. He expressed we should always be prepared. He wanted us to take pride in our work and our relationships with our customers.
He made time to stop and talk about the latest Giants game or a local little league team. Always a quick wit and smile! He was interested in the important events in our lives. He took the time to create lasting relationships and he made the business atmosphere feel more like a family.
He always did so much for others and wished to remain unnamed in his good deeds. He always said that he wanted to fly under the radar!
Mr. Purl, you may have flown under the radar with some, but for us, you you could never hide how great of a man you were. Words cannot express how much we will miss you!